Your credit record is an important part of your financial fingerprint in New Zealand and can affect how companies treat you, for example when you want to borrow money or get insurance. This month we talk about checking and correcting your own credit report. HOW DO YOU CHECK YOUR CREDIT RECORD?You can check your credit information for free, but if you want the information in a hurry you have to pay for a report. The New Zealand government links to the main credit reporting companies in NZ. HOW DO YOU CORRECT YOUR CREDIT REPORT?Credit reporters must take reasonable steps to ensure the information they hold is accurate, and promptly correct any errors they become aware of.
If you tell a credit reporter that your report contains an inaccuracy, the credit reporter must, if appropriate, take steps to correct it. They will usually check the information you provide with the source − for example, the credit provider who submitted a default. Learn more about how to do this on the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner website. Comments are closed.
December 2024